(Eng­lish) A Song to remind us of why we reach out to help

Sor­ry, this ent­ry is only available in Eng­lish. For the sake of view­er con­ve­ni­ence, the con­tent is shown below in the alter­na­ti­ve lan­guage. You may click the link to switch the acti­ve language.

And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Hims­elf up for us, a fra­grant offe­ring and sacri­fice to God.”- Ephe­si­ans 5:2

Josh Gar­rels – Hiding Place

Josh Gar­rels is a popu­lar singer/​songwriter based in Port­land, Oregon.

He wri­tes, “ This past week I work­ed hard to wri­te, record, and pro­du­ce the song Hiding Place,” crea­ted espe­ci­al­ly for the One Mil­li­on Thumbprints cam­paign. When my child­ren asked why I was wri­ting the song and why I was going to give it away, I told them about the despe­ra­te plight of women and child­ren fle­e­ing for their lives in war torn are­as of the world. I also told them about the importance of living gene­rous­ly so as to help others in their time of need. My daugh­ter Heron pro­cee­ded open her own pig­gy bank and draft a let­ter to One Mil­li­on Thumbprints. Would you con­sider giving gene­rous­ly for the sake of tho­se in need as well?”

The funds of the One Mil­li­on Thumbprints cam­paign and their part­ner­ship with the huma­ni­ta­ri­an work of World Reli­ef will sup­port grass­roots-level peace buil­ding to end vio­lence against women and res­to­re sur­vi­vors in war torn are­as such as the Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic of Con­go, South Sudan, Iraq, and Syria.
Learn more about One Mil­li­on Thumbprints here:


Some­whe­re, out there,
Can any­bo­dy hear my prayer
And save me, from this dark land

If I had wings,
I would fly away from everything
That hurts me, and tears me down

Is the­re a home, for a mother and a child
In a world, with no place left to hide
We will run, though way is dark and long
We will sing, you’re our hope, you are our song

Lord! Take my hand.
Lord! Help me stand.

Days are get­ting colder,
I can see the soldiers
Mar­ching up to burn us down

I take my momma’s right hand,
Tears are on my face and
She says, Son, it’s time to sum­mon the cou­ra­ge now”

Run for your life child,
Flee into the night while
We still have the chan­ce to make out of here alive

And even though we walk through
The val­ley of death you
Shall fear no evil, you will survive

Cau­se there’s a home, for a mother and a child
In a world, only one place left to hide
So we will run, though the way is rough and long
We will sing, alle­luia to our God

Lord! You’ve overcome.
Lord! Lead us on

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