(Eng­lish) A Song to remind us of why we reach out to help

عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في Eng­lish. For the sake of view­er con­ve­ni­ence, the con­tent is shown below in the alter­na­ti­ve lan­guage. You may click the link to switch the acti­ve language.

And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Hims­elf up for us, a fra­grant offe­ring and sacri­fice to God.”- Ephe­si­ans 5:2

Josh Gar­rels – Hiding Place

Josh Gar­rels is a popu­lar singer/​songwriter based in Port­land, Oregon.

He wri­tes, “ This past week I work­ed hard to wri­te, record, and pro­du­ce the song Hiding Place,” crea­ted espe­ci­al­ly for the One Mil­li­on Thumbprints cam­paign. When my child­ren asked why I was wri­ting the song and why I was going to give it away, I told them about the despe­ra­te plight of women and child­ren fle­e­ing for their lives in war torn are­as of the world. I also told them about the importance of living gene­rous­ly so as to help others in their time of need. My daugh­ter Heron pro­cee­ded open her own pig­gy bank and draft a let­ter to One Mil­li­on Thumbprints. Would you con­sider giving gene­rous­ly for the sake of tho­se in need as well?” متابعة قراءة „(Eng­lish) A Song to remind us of why we reach out to help”