Club Euro­pe” – Movie Recommendation

Club Euro­pa” – A Movie to Encou­ra­ge Dis­cus­sions About Our Own Poli­ti­cal Power

Dri­ven by the wish to do some­thing good – also based on a guil­ty con­sci­ence not being dedi­ca­ted enough to help’ in ever­y­day life – Mar­tha con­vin­ces her flat­ma­tes Yas­min and Jamie, to invi­te a refu­gee to live with them in the spa­re room of their apart­ment in Kreuz­berg, Berlin.
Short­ly after, media­ted by an NGO, Samu­el moves in. Life tog­e­ther is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by a fri­end­ly tog­e­ther­ness; within the walls of the apart­ment, Mar­tha, Yas­min, Jamie and Samu­el grow clo­ser. When the situa­ti­on of their Cameroo­ni­an house­ma­te Samu­el takes a dra­ma­tic turn, the dedi­ca­ted Mar­tha and her flat­ma­tes have to face the ques­ti­on: How far do they real­ly want to go, to help?

We are fea­turing this movie not just becau­se the sto­ry goes along our topics here, but becau­se Fran­zis­ka M. Hoe­nisch who made this movie is the litt­le sis­ter” of Flo­ri­an Hoe­nisch the initia­tor of Bet­ter Together.

See the trailer:

Regis­seu­rin Fran­zis­ka M. Hoe­nisch about her movie: The rese­arch for Club Euro­pe star­ted in spring 2014. Back then the­re was more and more covera­ge about the refu­ge to Euro­pe. During high-school I was lucky enough to be an exch­an­ge stu­dent in South Afri­ca, stay­ing at a host fami­ly. Host fami­lies for refu­gees – that would be a good thing, I thought. The Youth Wel­fa­re Ser­vice had the same idea. In autumn 2014 the NGO Refu­gees Wel­co­me” was foun­ded, which helps refu­gees find a room in shared flats. Our sto­ry deve­lo­ped in real time with the rea­li­ty of what was hap­pe­ning. First it see­med very important for me to set a good exam­p­le of a suc­cessful inte­gra­ti­on with the film. Though through many con­ver­sa­ti­ons with peo­p­le direct­ly affec­ted and an honest exami­na­ti­on of our own com­fort zone it beca­me clear that we wan­ted to mir­ror our own apo­li­ti­cal gene­ra­ti­on, inclu­ding our­sel­ves. I hope the movie encou­ra­ges dis­cus­sions about our own poli­ti­cal power. ”

Sie­he auch:

(Deutsch) Ich kom­me aus Syrien …

Sor­ry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch. For the sake of view­er con­ve­ni­ence, the con­tent is shown below in the alter­na­ti­ve lan­guage. You may click the link to switch the acti­ve language.

Name: Hait­ham Sab­rin, Natio­na­li­tät: syrisch- aus Damas­kus, gebo­ren: 1981, Hoch­schul­ab­schluss: Busi­ness Manage­ment (Mar­ke­ting), Beruf­li­che Tätig­keit (Syri­en): Ver­trieb TV-Pro­duk­tio­nen, Rech­te-und Lizenz­ge­schäft, ver­hei­ra­tet, 1 Kind lebt mit sei­ner Frau und sei­nem hier gebo­re­nen Kind seit 2015 in Tau­nus­stein-Wehen, (woll­te eigent­lich nach Hol­land, wo sei­ne Fami­lei /​Verwandschaft lebt und wur­de gezwun­gen durch die Regis­trie­rung in Deutsch­land, hier zu bleiben.

So beginnt die Prä­sen­ta­ti­on von Hait­ham Sab­rin, die in der Aus­stel­lung, Den Geflüch­te­ten ein Gesicht geben”, beim Publi­kum mit die größ­te Auf­merk­sam­keit erzielte.

Hait­ham zeigt zunächst mal in eini­gen Foli­en die Viel­falt und den Reich­tum sei­nes Hei­mat­lan­des, was ver­blüf­fend wirkt für die­je­ni­gen unter uns, die Syri­en noch nicht ken­nen­ler­nen durften.

Schnell wird klar, dass das Bild von dem durch Krieg geschun­den Volk und einem zer­stör­ten Land, wel­ches uns die Medi­en ins Haus lie­fern, nur einen sehr trau­ri­gen Teil und Moment der Geschich­te Syri­ens zeigt. Haet­ham hat hier in Deutsch­land durch Beob­ach­tung unse­rer Medi­en und durch Gesprä­che mit Deut­schen ein sehr fei­nes Gespür ent­wi­ckelt, welch fal­sches Bild wir von sei­ner Hei­mat zeichnen.

Folie um Folie lässt er uns Syri­en mit sei­nen Augen sehen, um dann, nach der Erklä­rung, war­um sei­ne Fami­lie und er, wie so unzäh­lig vie­le, ihr gelieb­tes Land ver­las­sen muss­ten, sei­ne Ängs­te und Pro­ble­me hier in Deutsch­land zu schildern.
Es lohnt sich daher den Film bis zum Ende der 18 Minu­ten zu schauen:

Club Euro­pe” – Movie Recommendation

Club Euro­pa” – A Movie to Encou­ra­ge Dis­cus­sions About Our Own Poli­ti­cal Power

Dri­ven by the wish to do some­thing good – also based on a guil­ty con­sci­ence not being dedi­ca­ted enough to help’ in ever­y­day life – Mar­tha con­vin­ces her flat­ma­tes Yas­min and Jamie, to invi­te a refu­gee to live with them in the spa­re room of their apart­ment in Kreuz­berg, Berlin.
Short­ly after, media­ted by an NGO, Samu­el moves in. Life tog­e­ther is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by a fri­end­ly tog­e­ther­ness; within the walls of the apart­ment, Mar­tha, Yas­min, Jamie and Samu­el grow clo­ser. When the situa­ti­on of their Cameroo­ni­an house­ma­te Samu­el takes a dra­ma­tic turn, the dedi­ca­ted Mar­tha and her flat­ma­tes have to face the ques­ti­on: How far do they real­ly want to go, to help?
OnTV: ZDF27th July 2017, 23:0000:20 or online strea­ming.

We are fea­turing this movie not just becau­se the sto­ry goes along our topics here, but becau­se Fran­zis­ka M. Hoe­nisch who made this movie is the litt­le sis­ter” of Flo­ri­an Hoe­nisch the initia­tor of Bet­ter Tog­e­ther and it is in the plan­ning, to have an exclu­si­ve scree­ning of this movie here in Taunusstein!
we will keep You updated on this. See the trai­ler: Con­ti­nue rea­dingClub Euro­pe” – Movie Recommendation”

A Song to remind us of why we reach out to help

And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Hims­elf up for us, a fra­grant offe­ring and sacri­fice to God.”- Ephe­si­ans 5:2

Josh Gar­rels – Hiding Place

Josh Gar­rels is a popu­lar singer/​songwriter based in Port­land, Oregon.

He wri­tes, “ This past week I work­ed hard to wri­te, record, and pro­du­ce the song Hiding Place,” crea­ted espe­ci­al­ly for the One Mil­li­on Thumbprints cam­paign. When my child­ren asked why I was wri­ting the song and why I was going to give it away, I told them about the despe­ra­te plight of women and child­ren fle­e­ing for their lives in war torn are­as of the world. I also told them about the importance of living gene­rous­ly so as to help others in their time of need. My daugh­ter Heron pro­cee­ded open her own pig­gy bank and draft a let­ter to One Mil­li­on Thumbprints. Would you con­sider giving gene­rous­ly for the sake of tho­se in need as well?” Con­ti­nue rea­ding A Song to remind us of why we reach out to help”