(Deutsch) Spen­den­auf­ruf

Sor­ry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch. For the sake of view­er con­ve­ni­ence, the con­tent is shown below in the alter­na­ti­ve lan­guage. You may click the link to switch the acti­ve language.

Wir alle sind Taunusstein
Das Fest der Begeg­nun­gen am 1. Sep­tem­ber 2017

Ein unüber­hör­ba­res und unüber­seh­ba­res Aus­ru­fe­zei­chen für unse­re Stadt.
Ein kul­tu­rel­les, kuli­na­ri­sches, musi­ka­li­sches und krea­ti­ves Fest mit viel Raum für Begeg­nung, Kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on und auf­ein­an­der zu gehen.
Inte­gra­ti­on (er)leben!

High­lights :
Die Aus­stel­lung Den Geflüch­te­ten ein Gesicht geben“ mit Fotos, Inter­views und Vide­os der Geflüchteten
Gra­tis­kon­zert mit dem berühm­ten syri­schen Pia­nis­ten Aeham Ahmad

Hier­für brau­chen wir Eure Unterstützung »>

Con­ti­nue rea­ding „(Deutsch) Spendenaufruf”

(Deutsch) BETTER TOGETHER – Das Fest der Begegnungen

Sor­ry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch. For the sake of view­er con­ve­ni­ence, the con­tent is shown below in the alter­na­ti­ve lan­guage. You may click the link to switch the acti­ve language.

Was: Fest Im Rah­men des Tau­nus­stei­ner Kul­tur­som­mers  Kul­tur­som­mer Flyer

  • Aus­stel­lung mit Por­traits, Fotos, Inter­views, Vide­os von und mit Geflüch­te­ten aus Taunusstein.
  • Inter­na­tio­na­les Essen
  • ver­schie­de­ne krea­ti­ve Workshops
  • Tanz und Live-Musik aus ver­schie­de­nen Nationen,
  • Top Act: Der syri­sche Pia­nist Aeham Ahmad (In den Trüm­mern Syri­ens spiel­te er für die Hoffnung)
  • Podi­ums­ge­sprä­che
  • Viel Zeit zum ein­an­der begeg­nen, ken­nen­ler­nen und neue Inter­ak­ti­ons­mög­lich­kei­ten mit­ein­an­der auszuloten

Wann: Frei­tag, 1. Sep­tem­ber 2017, 16 Uhr ‑22 Uhr
Wo: Dr.-Peter-Nikolaus-Platz & St. Johan­nes Nepo­muk Kir­che, Aar­str. 140, Tau­nus­stein Con­ti­nue rea­ding „(Deutsch) BETTER TOGETHER – Das Fest der Begegnungen”

Our Visi­on

BETTER TOGETHER – We all are Taunusstein

The visi­on of dif­fe­rent cul­tures living tog­e­ther need space to crea­te expe­ri­en­ces and events whe­re this is made public and visi­ble for ever­yo­ne. The Event BETTER TOGETHER wants to achie­ve exact­ly that. We want to make as many peo­p­le as pos­si­ble curious and give them space to expe­ri­ence each other in their dif­fe­rent cul­tures, reli­gi­ons and back­grounds in a crea­ti­ve way. We con­ti­nue on the first wel­co­me-event for refu­gees in 2015 whe­re still had been a gap bet­ween Tau­nus­stein and the new peo­p­le arrived.

Today Tau­nus­stein is deve­lo­ping into an open and inter­cul­tu­ral city and took the refu­gees in with a gre­at sen­se of sup­port. The lan­guage cour­ses are very suc­cessful, sport clubs are ope­ning for the refu­gees and neigh­bour­hood is working. But the limi­ta­ti­ons and the exces­si­ve demands of many hel­pers and vol­un­teers are also expe­ri­en­ced. Thats why the slo­gan Inte­gra­ti­on“ is right now the expres­si­on which needs to beco­me prac­ti­cal and real. As city and regi­on we are facing gre­at chal­lenges and we still have many steps ahead of us – we have to take them and do it. Many refu­gees are lon­ging for more per­so­nal cont­acts and fri­end­ships with and to ger­mans. The­re are still lan­guage bar­riers and many more chal­lenges to overcome.

That was the reason why a team of vol­un­teers came tog­e­ther to initia­te this event. The moment the idea and visi­on was out a team of moti­va­ted young kids from the Gym­na­si­um Tau­nus­stein joi­n­ed in to help put­ting an exhi­bi­ti­on tog­e­ther . The idea of a pho­to-exhi­bi­ti­on Give the refu­gees a face“ was rea­li­sed and very per­so­nal and expres­si­ve por­traits of refu­gees in tau­nus­stein were crea­ted. We will publish tho­se as part of the event BETTER TOGETHER at the 1. September.

We invi­te you to cele­bra­te a colourful and mani­fold event of mee­ting each other – with many cul­tu­ral, crea­ti­ve, musi­cal and sport expe­ri­en­ces and mul­ti­cul­tu­ral food. One of the out­stan­ding goals of Bet­ter Tog­e­ther“ is that new rela­ti­onships and fri­end­ships are being estab­lished bet­ween ger­mans and refu­gees, the migrants in our city, that new pri­va­te and per­so­nal initia­ti­ves are being deve­lo­ped and we can sup­port and encou­ra­ge the inte­gra­ti­on in our city.

Sup­port Possibilities:

Up until now we alre­a­dy have seve­ral offi­ci­al coöpe­ra­ti­on part­ners: the city coun­cil, the Pro­tes­tant Church Blei­den­stadt, katho­li­sche Kir­che Hahn, Mal­te­ser Wer­ke (Kreis-Flücht­lings­un­ter­kunft Blei­den­stadt), Ver­ein SGT – Soli­dar­ge­mein­schaft Tau­nus­stein, Gym­na­si­um Blei­den­stadt, Beruf­li­che Schu­len Unter­tau­nus and the Ver­ein Bür­ger­initia­ti­ve Flücht­lings­hil­fe Tau­nus­stein. As initia­tors of BETTER TOGETHER we are still loo­king for more part­ners, sup­port­ers and spon­sors for this event. The­re is ple­nty of space to demons­tra­te com­mon soli­da­ri­ty and sup­port on that day. We want to con­nect the dif­fe­rent streams and acti­vists“ of the refu­gee work with the peo­p­le from Tau­nus­stein and pro­mo­ting the coöpe­ra­ti­on with each other. You are more then wel­co­med to sup­port this event with a con­tri­bu­ti­on for the mul­ti­cul­tu­ral buf­fet and/​or with finan­cial dona­ti­ons to help cove­ring the costs.

Whe­re: Peter-Niko­laus-Platz, Taunusstein-Hahn
When: Frei­tag, 1.September 2017 from 4.00 pm till about 10.00 pm

Cont­act & Communication:
tel. 015208569350

The Initia­tors:
Flo­ri­an Hoe­nisch • Peter Wolf • Chris­toph Rath • Schü­ler­team des Gym­na­si­um Tau­nus­stein • Ver­ein SGT Soli­dar­Ge­mein­schaft Tau­nus­stein (vor­mals Bür­ger­initia­ti­ve Flücht­lings­hil­fe Taunusstein)