Club Euro­pe” – Movie Recommendation

Club Euro­pa” – A Movie to Encou­ra­ge Dis­cus­sions About Our Own Poli­ti­cal Power

Dri­ven by the wish to do some­thing good – also based on a guil­ty con­sci­ence not being dedi­ca­ted enough to help’ in ever­y­day life – Mar­tha con­vin­ces her flat­ma­tes Yas­min and Jamie, to invi­te a refu­gee to live with them in the spa­re room of their apart­ment in Kreuz­berg, Berlin.
Short­ly after, media­ted by an NGO, Samu­el moves in. Life tog­e­ther is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by a fri­end­ly tog­e­ther­ness; within the walls of the apart­ment, Mar­tha, Yas­min, Jamie and Samu­el grow clo­ser. When the situa­ti­on of their Cameroo­ni­an house­ma­te Samu­el takes a dra­ma­tic turn, the dedi­ca­ted Mar­tha and her flat­ma­tes have to face the ques­ti­on: How far do they real­ly want to go, to help?

We are fea­turing this movie not just becau­se the sto­ry goes along our topics here, but becau­se Fran­zis­ka M. Hoe­nisch who made this movie is the litt­le sis­ter” of Flo­ri­an Hoe­nisch the initia­tor of Bet­ter Together.

See the trailer:

Regis­seu­rin Fran­zis­ka M. Hoe­nisch about her movie: The rese­arch for Club Euro­pe star­ted in spring 2014. Back then the­re was more and more covera­ge about the refu­ge to Euro­pe. During high-school I was lucky enough to be an exch­an­ge stu­dent in South Afri­ca, stay­ing at a host fami­ly. Host fami­lies for refu­gees – that would be a good thing, I thought. The Youth Wel­fa­re Ser­vice had the same idea. In autumn 2014 the NGO Refu­gees Wel­co­me” was foun­ded, which helps refu­gees find a room in shared flats. Our sto­ry deve­lo­ped in real time with the rea­li­ty of what was hap­pe­ning. First it see­med very important for me to set a good exam­p­le of a suc­cessful inte­gra­ti­on with the film. Though through many con­ver­sa­ti­ons with peo­p­le direct­ly affec­ted and an honest exami­na­ti­on of our own com­fort zone it beca­me clear that we wan­ted to mir­ror our own apo­li­ti­cal gene­ra­ti­on, inclu­ding our­sel­ves. I hope the movie encou­ra­ges dis­cus­sions about our own poli­ti­cal power. ”

Sie­he auch:

(Deutsch) Frem­de Hei­mat Deutschland

Sor­ry, this ent­ry is only available in Ger­man. For the sake of view­er con­ve­ni­ence, the con­tent is shown below in the alter­na­ti­ve lan­guage. You may click the link to switch the acti­ve language.

Geflüch­te­te berich­ten aus ihrem Leben

Vor einem Jahr war im Rah­men der Ver­an­stal­tung Bet­ter Tog­e­ther“ die Aus­stel­lung Den Geflüch­te­ten ein Gesicht geben“ in der katho­li­schen Kir­che St. Johan­nes Nepo­muk in Hahn zu sehen. Das Pro­jekt unter der künst­le­ri­schen Lei­tung des Tau­nus­stei­ner Foto­gra­fen Peter Wolf sorg­te dafür, dass anony­me Flücht­lin­ge“ zu Men­schen wur­den mit einem Gesicht und einer Geschich­te. Nun ist die Aus­stel­lung vom 2. Sep­tem­ber bis 28. Okto­ber auch in der Ev. Kir­che St. Peter auf dem Berg in Blei­den­stadt zu sehen. Eine beson­de­re Ver­an­stal­tung fin­det am Don­ners­tag, 27. Sep­tem­ber um 19.00 Uhr statt. Wir laden die Por­trä­tier­ten von damals ein und bit­ten sie, zu erzäh­len, wie ihre Geschich­te wei­ter­ge­gan­gen ist. Wel­che Erfah­run­gen haben sie in den letz­ten bei­den Jah­ren gemacht? Was ist geglückt? Was nicht? Wie geht es jetzt wei­ter? Musi­ka­lisch beglei­tet wird die­ser Abend von Ste­phan Breith (Cel­lo) und dem ukrai­nisch-jüdi­schen Vio­li­nis­ten Marat Dickermann.

Club Euro­pe” – Movie Recommendation

Club Euro­pa” – A Movie to Encou­ra­ge Dis­cus­sions About Our Own Poli­ti­cal Power

Dri­ven by the wish to do some­thing good – also based on a guil­ty con­sci­ence not being dedi­ca­ted enough to help’ in ever­y­day life – Mar­tha con­vin­ces her flat­ma­tes Yas­min and Jamie, to invi­te a refu­gee to live with them in the spa­re room of their apart­ment in Kreuz­berg, Berlin.
Short­ly after, media­ted by an NGO, Samu­el moves in. Life tog­e­ther is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by a fri­end­ly tog­e­ther­ness; within the walls of the apart­ment, Mar­tha, Yas­min, Jamie and Samu­el grow clo­ser. When the situa­ti­on of their Cameroo­ni­an house­ma­te Samu­el takes a dra­ma­tic turn, the dedi­ca­ted Mar­tha and her flat­ma­tes have to face the ques­ti­on: How far do they real­ly want to go, to help?
OnTV: ZDF27th July 2017, 23:0000:20 or online strea­ming.

We are fea­turing this movie not just becau­se the sto­ry goes along our topics here, but becau­se Fran­zis­ka M. Hoe­nisch who made this movie is the litt­le sis­ter” of Flo­ri­an Hoe­nisch the initia­tor of Bet­ter Tog­e­ther and it is in the plan­ning, to have an exclu­si­ve scree­ning of this movie here in Taunusstein!
we will keep You updated on this. See the trai­ler: Con­ti­nue rea­dingClub Euro­pe” – Movie Recommendation”

(Deutsch) Wir in Tau­nus­stein – Begeg­nungs­fest Novem­ber 2015

Sor­ry, this ent­ry is only available in Ger­man. For the sake of view­er con­ve­ni­ence, the con­tent is shown below in the alter­na­ti­ve lan­guage. You may click the link to switch the acti­ve language.

Am 15.11.2015 fand in der Aar­tal­hal­le in Tau­nus­stein-Neu­hof unter reger Betei­li­gung unser ers­tes Fest statt

Bil­der von der der sehr gut besuch­ten Fei­er, wo viel getanzt, musi­ziert und gelacht wur­de. Das lecke­re, abwechs­lungs­rei­che inter­na­tio­na­le Buf­fet war sehr gefragt.