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(Deutsch) Voltigiervorführung auf dem Begegnungsfest
Reit- und Voltigierclub Taunusstein mit Vorführungen auf dem Holzpferd
Wer sich für den Sport interessiert, kann ihn im Anschluss gerne auch mal selbst ausprobieren. Die Aktiven stehen allen Interessierten für Fragen und zur Anleitung zur Verfügung.
(Deutsch) Programm-Flyer
(Deutsch) Pop/Rock Duo „Clara & Arne”
Clara & Arne
bekannt als Mitglieder der Taunussteiner Band „Full House” sind ein festes Duo schon seit 5 Jahren. Ihr Repertoire umfasst Rock und Pop.
Arne Görlitz studiert mittlerweile Luft- /Raumfahrttechnik und Clara Egert studiert Musik. Obwohl sie deswegen zur Zeit sehr weit auseinander wohnen, kommen sie aber für solche Auftritte gerne wieder zusammen. Wir freuen uns darüber, dass sie bei uns spielen werden und uns ebenso wie die anderen Musiker mit ihrem kostenlosen Auftritt für die gute Sache unterstützen. Danke!
(Deutsch) „Angekommen – Den Geflüchteten ein Gesicht und eine Stimme geben”


Neue Heimat



Schüler des Gymnasiums Taunusstein und der Beruflichen Schulen Untertaunus, Angekommene Geflüchtete, Taunussteiner Bürger präsentieren Fotos, Videos, Auszüge aus Interviews
Our Vision
BETTER TOGETHER – We all are Taunusstein
The vision of different cultures living together need space to create experiences and events where this is made public and visible for everyone. The Event „BETTER TOGETHER“ wants to achieve exactly that. We want to make as many people as possible curious and give them space to experience each other in their different cultures, religions and backgrounds in a creative way. We continue on the first welcome-event for refugees in 2015 where still had been a gap between Taunusstein and the new people arrived.
Today Taunusstein is developing into an open and intercultural city and took the refugees in with a great sense of support. The language courses are very successful, sport clubs are opening for the refugees and neighbourhood is working. But the limitations and the excessive demands of many helpers and volunteers are also experienced. Thats why the slogan „Integration“ is right now the expression which needs to become practical and real. As city and region we are facing great challenges and we still have many steps ahead of us – we have to take them and do it. Many refugees are longing for more personal contacts and friendships with and to germans. There are still language barriers and many more challenges to overcome.
That was the reason why a team of volunteers came together to initiate this event. The moment the idea and vision was out a team of motivated young kids from the Gymnasium Taunusstein joined in to help putting an exhibition together . The idea of a photo-exhibition „Give the refugees a face“ was realised and very personal and expressive portraits of refugees in taunusstein were created. We will publish those as part of the event „BETTER TOGETHER“ at the 1. September.
We invite you to celebrate a colourful and manifold event of meeting each other – with many cultural, creative, musical and sport experiences and multicultural food. One of the outstanding goals of „Better Together“ is that new relationships and friendships are being established between germans and refugees, the migrants in our city, that new private and personal initiatives are being developed and we can support and encourage the integration in our city.
Support Possibilities:
Up until now we already have several official coöperation partners: the city council, the Protestant Church Bleidenstadt, katholische Kirche Hahn, Malteser Werke (Kreis-Flüchtlingsunterkunft Bleidenstadt), Verein SGT – Solidargemeinschaft Taunusstein, Gymnasium Bleidenstadt, Berufliche Schulen Untertaunus and the Verein Bürgerinitiative Flüchtlingshilfe Taunusstein. As initiators of BETTER TOGETHER we are still looking for more partners, supporters and sponsors for this event. There is plenty of space to demonstrate common solidarity and support on that day. We want to connect the different streams and „activists“ of the refugee work with the people from Taunusstein and promoting the coöperation with each other. You are more then welcomed to support this event with a contribution for the multicultural buffet and/or with financial donations to help covering the costs.
Where: Peter-Nikolaus-Platz, Taunusstein-Hahn
When: Freitag, 1.September 2017 from 4.00 pm till about 10.00 pm
Contact & Communication:
tel. 0152 – 08569350
The Initiators:
Florian Hoenisch • Peter Wolf • Christoph Rath • Schülerteam des Gymnasium Taunusstein • Verein SGT SolidarGemeinschaft Taunusstein (vormals Bürgerinitiative Flüchtlingshilfe Taunusstein)